Saturday, 6 April 2013

The argument part 2

'It is lucky we have some things in common!' I replied and so began another argument.
She walked out dumbfounded. I went to look for the fishing net downstairs, where we caste out discarded things to purgatory. As soon as it was unearthed I raced back up the stairs and plucked out the phone from the toilet bowl and gave it wipe. I tested the voice recognition and the various apps, no harm done, it still worked.

The plague of the self conscious zombie has already begun. If we aren't careful, soon they will be able to see us. The plot has now unfolded. The phone incident never happened, it was the workings of my imagination. Why would I concoct such an absurd story anyway? This is the reality. I'd love do my art full time, but I have to get a job. Everything wrong about being human is spewed across a canvas. The nervous system is controlled by the dictatorship of the brush. Let it slip and everything goes down the shoot, apart from my football team Bolton, they're solid.

Human beings are housed in mental hospitals and rehabilitated to become zombies funded by a new corporate technological revolution. There hasn't been a philosophical novel since Sartre and he shot himself, or did he in this reality? Eventually we will forget technology existed and start feeding on flesh and only flesh. I think that's a bit extreme.

'Shake yourself out of these ridiculous flights of fancy' said Jynx
But it could be true this could be the future.
'Does your phone still work?' she enquired
'Yes' I sheepishly answered.

Monday, 1 April 2013

The visit and the argument part 1

The visit

The landscape is a fascinating intelligence that can not see its own reflection. It has a grace that is peaceful and lively at times. I can watch it for hours at dawn, now wintertime is over and spring has begun. The less noble creatures and the more noble ones stand side by side on Castle hill, disinterested in the parameters of my isolation and more preoccupied with their own survival.

My nephew in law came to visit with his mother. It was one afternoon whilst the winter was very bright and extremely cold, a dry Easterly wind brought snow to the Northern areas of the country, 15' drifts. We chose a record, he demonstrated a surprising adroitness and with some assistance placed the vinyl on the spindle, whilst his mother was showing photographs, on her i pad.

I found a harmonica and connected it to the 'Brace'. Instantly Txbxx was a one man band, so that he could play the ukulele at the same time or even his drum that he brought down to show us.

The Argument

'What have you done with your phone?'
said Jnyx
'I tried to drown it.'
I watched an advert that was like somebody urinating on the screen, silent from the toilet bowl.
'I even tried to flush the phone, it wouldn't go down.' I explained
'Why?' she said, 'why?'
'Why would you do that?'

Friday, 15 March 2013


Drawings of cats are fascinating intelligences that can not see reflections or screens. A dog will notice its own image of other dogs when it hears the sound of barking on T.V but cats have 3 names why? They have a grace that is peaceful, lively and at times bad tempered. They are a release from the clutches of the modern age. I can sit with coffee and watch and draw them for hours, especially against the window at dawn, when wintertime is over and spring has begun.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Seven years old

I was seven. I wanted to learn the alphabet, how to read and write properly at the same time. Every day my best friend and I would do graffiti with chalk under the motorway, which is more permanent on concrete than you would think. He threw stones across the river, which sometimes hit the houses on the other side and we would do signals to make lorry drivers sound their horns from Huntixx Bridge or go to the scrap yard. Once we discovered bags of old glue in a caravan.

'You'd never want to do this.' He said, 'It's horrible.'
'Never,' I replied. 'It would probably turn me into a zombie.'
I remember we were afraid of his brother. He said he would kill me, for no reason, there was a drowning in the river one Christmas Eve whilst they were joy riding. He tried to save the victim but failed. They always congregated by the railway and I would watch him and the rest of his gang from the top of the path.

My parents wouldn't let me go out for weeks because of the danger. Jeneaxxe was my girlfriend, she was diabetic, couldn't grow, lived by the railway. Often the ambulance had to be called, because she passed out. She was expelled from school for skiving in the 4th year. I remember one morning her obese sister sat on the rabbit and killed it, which caused her Dad to cut his hand open with a knife. He refused to go to causality. Outside we could see her brother through the window, doing wheel spins on his scrambler in the garden.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

A further part can always be taken. The 21st century song writer uses a tape machine, so what is complete and what is whole. Is it the imaginings of a teenage fantasy and stardom? In the 80's if you were good at drawing you were the centre of attention during Art lessons. People would congregate behind you and watch, similarly they would group around a fight with the same curiosity and excitement. What is whole?

In a black and white film of Jim Morrison, he jumps up from the stage and lands as if by accident. At the age of 17 I watched the spectacle mesmerised and it stuck with me ever since. On numerous occasions he hit the stage flat on his ribs and nobody laughed as he lay there for the rest of the performance, why?

What is complete and what realities does the future hold, the ones we made when we were young, do they change when we have a family, because our plans were devised in such a way, the cause of which can never be altered? There is nothing wrong with our destiny even if it is flawed. The whole is such and when we realise it, we are "such as a whole person."

We can confidently define ourselves as having no part that is missing. There is nothing beyond this person who I have discovered, so why do we give the impression that our lives are lacking in some way, when we are fully aware of ourselves, that missing  is part of our character, not a good trait in a modern and faultless world, because we appear under confident.

"Nothing is complete unless it has an end." The end, is the realisation and these weaknesses are psychological  limits as well as the very physical ones like, example; advert pops up on the computer screen and renders it impossible for me to continue the blog because I can't close it down no matter how much I try. It wants me to complete a questionnaire over and over and over again, so that I can win a phone. A second physical limit, it will not allow me to attach a photograph of new paintings for portfolio because it is only possible if I use a phone like the one in the competition. Computers are depleted and the high streets in most towns are full of mobile phone show rooms and in one sweep of this very physical sword, there are no other shops unless you live in Bridlington! 

These are limits and the final limit is when we can not progress any further no matter how much we try, these forces are too strong. "End is a limit." 

Potentialities have to be realised. If we considered the infinite to be whole there are no defines where as if the whole is poised from the the centre of itself as something finite all extremities of the universe will have absolute limits that can not be exceeded and therefore are equal, because they are being contained by a central force. Another comparable is time, a continual process that is infinite irregardless of the forms that matter appropriates. 

The consciousness of a human being can only interpret this from the point of view of being human, until we transform into something different. Even though this notion may seem absurd it doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't true. Infinity is the matter which can not be wholly recognised. Two tokes of the infinite blunt and the third wasn't necessary. I have been forced to think about figures and numbers because of the current age we live in. the following morning, we didn't roll a third, we saved it for next time. 'I'm Looking forward to StSt Paul's carnival.' I said.system.'                       

Monday, 14 January 2013

Analogy, rings which do not have a bezel as 'endless' are always possible to go beyond where ever you are on them. The next part becomes apparent before the end of the previous phase. I maybe working in a jewellery shop! If it doesn't happen and my journal stops here then I am dead, but the journal continues and so do all of my other endeavours, but does this answer any real questions?

What happened to imagination and the Olympics combined, what is this harsh cruelty that our lives predicate as real. In conversation with Chrx there were two suicides that his mother was recently informed about. Her tenant in a near by seaside town lost both his sons due to depression (which is common in the current age and can not be medicated as easily as the doctors presume.) 

Chrx would never have been able to afford the apartment if it wasn't for money received from this tenant. The point is, were sacrifices in this tragic story made. If Christ was the first accident then surly a few thousand years later there must be a second coming and then perhaps we will affiliate Christ with Super Symmetry or God without question. Christ is the highest level of a random process where nature can operate. It is a misjudgement if we believe that accidents do not require collisions between two objects. For instance if it was Christs word that an object can materialise on the first accident then it would need another accident to give it an actual form, even if a priory triggers an accident in a posteriori, the same rule is applicable. Miracles can happen but they still have some degree of illusion.

When I arrived at Chrx's new apartment, I gave him a painting as a gift, which fitted perfectly with the Ikea furniture. I had no idea what the colour schemes were. On the sunniest days we see our friends so that our memories are swamped with light, always. The analogy of bezel rings is "ultimately imperfect, because this 'endlessness' is not the only property a thing has to have in order to count as genuinely infinite. In transversing it you should also never cover the same ground, more than once, this does not happen with a circle, however, which only has the property that the next step is different from the previous one."

When I was 20 I started recording music on a tape recorder that made a strange clicking noise, when you pressed record. I completed countless tapes by the time I was in my early 30's, they were destroyed in the fire of a warehouse, where myself and three other Artists produced work. I now have a tape machine which is connected to a digital recorder with similar functions, mixer, microphone and guitar. The sound is as I intended so that I can scrapbook an idea for an album called "Compilation tapes for Jynx" and the next will be compilation tapes for Colleen, who was a childhood sweetheart of mine and the next will be ?? who knows Trevor.

I may only complete two albums. The point is I am writing and recording in exactly the same way as in my early twenties. This time the tapes will not be destroyed because they are on line. A process is endless if by accident. We can recover previous methods that were lost anytime. It is of course the quality of tape that I am interested in, even though I hated it when I was younger and all I wanted was crystal clear sound. The sound that I can get is as pristine now as I expected when I was 21. I have fulfilled a potential that led to this actuality.
A quick note about Pythagoras, it is a study worth, pursuing. There are 10 forms. If we subtract 7 we're left with 3 which is divided into 2 accidents and on the 3rd a new actuality is formed. On the 11th day of January I delivered a painting to the RWA. 11 is when forms start to repeat each other. 0 can not be predicated as a form as yet. Another example, I was at a friends new apartment in Bristol. We were watching a game show, Noel Evens was on, Whose deal is it any way, I tried to predict the box with £20,000. The options were between 7 and 10. I wrongly guessed 7, because 10 is where forms cease at their primary source, before repeating identical sequences all over again, absurd! This was a comical moment, I had some expectations. 

Chrx had endured his own personal hell in a town that he will never return to again, understandably, it is a hole. Whilst he was leaving his flat the neighbour hung out the window with a joint and said,'leaving?' Chrx replied,'Yes, I prefer whisky with scrambled eggs, at 10 o clock in the morning on the 10th day and on the 10th month!''Lucky fucker,'the neighbour reciprocated.'

We visited him not by train or boat but by car, first time since he moved, on a beautiful sunny afternoon 11th January. There was an exhibition of Cats at RWA, which was a reminder to Jynx that cats need looking after. The intelligence of cats substantiates this point. It is a bigger realm than the narrow human one that we exist in. Extra note; one near car accident on M5 and 2nd very near accident with lorry towards Suspension bridge. The tape stopped at exact point so the Sat Nav directions could be heard, before Jynx shouts and orders me to turn down volume.

When we arrived my first conversation with Chrx was about the film, Life of Pi. 'I'm sure I've seen that film before,'he said. "That was the feeling I had as well.' I told him."Where the tyger looks at the stars and sea, my favourite scene.' How do we explain this. Infinity is not
'That which has nothing beyond itself but that which always has something beyond itself or some further part,' let us not be misguided by the death of outside things or other creatures and people because there is always another part that forms, even when the evidence is strongly against this opinion. 

A note about accidents (pun). Pen leaks, the evidence is marks on the adjacent page, I cough and spit is on the page as well (apologies for being disgusting). I am finishing a part time job and about to apply for another, the decisions for which were made spontaneously, but they were two accidents. Collisions can only occur between two identifiable objects, whether they exist in a priory or a posteriori. They are obviously apparent. Three supersedes one and two, but they do follow each other. 
This is science, whilst sport celebrates the trickery of television. The thought alone of dwarfs as Greek Gods in Olympic pools was triggered by a film on T.V. The information I study filters through from others who have also read the same philosophy. They are few. The masses absorb information that reaches capacity and their bodies become penetrable corpses, only by worms. Burial and cremation disperses the built up energy whilst they were living and breathing.

To summarise, the only possible way for the infinite to exist is potentially and as a result of subtraction and addition, in equal quantities. We have to depend on division"In both cases it is possible to take something extra, but in addition the total will not exceed every magnitude, as is possible in division."

There is always something smaller still. Unless there is something which is in actuality infinite. Infinity can exist. The natural scientists describe a body beyond the universe as a being, whose substance is air and earth or what ever else such as body devoured by eagles in high altitudes.

Plato was led to the notion of two infinities, one is of addition and the other is of subtraction. "It looks as though it is possible to exceed any specified limit and to tend towards infinity both by increase and by subtraction."

Pythagoras made no use of this notion. There isn't infinite subtraction among numbers because the smallest number is one in either direction through minus' and plus'. We have never been able to use 0 as a workable form not even in binary. This system is yet to be cracked. Numbers end at 10 which is the final destination for every careerist politician(pun) after which we start at 1 added to itself.

Can we locate forms that belong in zero and if we do, what is unleashed, infinity that has no specified parameters? and if so have we arrived already. This is not 2013. It is year 0. Reality is different. It has evolved and so our logic has to evolve with it. If this is the case it will increase in momentum. (Alpha gallery is first gallery but I find it's closing and will become residence for rich O.A.P's, surely the O.A.P's and family that live above will buy the paintings below or someone related to them will fund so that owners can pay rent? but when I remember the film 'Iron Lady' I will correct posture at writing desk, however most heterosexual men have masculine  postures!

The Super Symmetry

"In the case of magnitudes each part exists and in the case of human beings and time the parts cease to be but in such a way that the process does not fail."

Let us reverse in effect the sequence of direction and link these two variables in such a way that one increases as the other decreases, turning it all upside down and inside out, reversing what we considered and believed to be reality. The Olympic Games were impressive during Aristotles time because Poseidon swam between Attica, Euboea, Acarnania and Elis, but they were equally impressive in 2012, because of the Paralympics, that para derives from the word power.

These are the Gods of Greek Mythology. The dwarf turns into Zarathustras snake in vast Olympic pools. The average person can not believe the miracles that are taking place and the medal ceremony is suitably received.

The reality of course was expensive and disappointing. A description of the Olympic games should be consistent throughout the duration of time. The real Ancient Greeks were football players! The game is random and strategic, even on the play station at 4.30 am, new years eve 2013 and doubtful whether I will see 13 all the way through.

13 will be different, inverse, the Greek God, Triton, with gills below his ears , was actually a dwarf in the paralympics and a giant this year, because of the credibility that the games will bring to it's competitors. He was building up to be a God, long before he was first aware of his disability. We all have some form of disabling. 

Another example is, the queen jumps out of a helicopter with James bond (007). His birthday and Jubilee coincided earlier in the year, remember? It's a publicity stunt. He meets her first in Buckingham palace, they fly to the stadium, the crowd gasp in one unanimous breath, expecting her to arrive in the usual custom, but of course she doesn't.